About the United States Submarine Veterans Incorporated:




From the USSVI Web Site:  We are United States Submarine Sailors! We were, and are, members of the elite fighting force of the United States Navy. We are all QUALIFIED IN SUBMARINES.

Included are submariners from the very early boats: S, R or earlier: WWII boats; post-war GUPPY boats and FBM and Fast Attack submariners. All Qualified in Submarines - from E2 to 4 Stars. Retired, short timer, or active duty - it makes no difference.

If you are Qualified in Submarines we want you in United States Submarine Veterans Inc.


The USSVI Creed:


To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution.



We have 150+ local Bases (chapters) from Pearl Harbor to Portsmouth, NH, four Internet bases, and one Motorcycle Club chapter. Our members are from every state in the Union.


In addition to the regional and district meetings throughout the year we also hold a National Convention in a different city every year.


If you want to learn submarine history from the people who wrote it, tell or hear sea stories from Pre-WWII, WWII, Korea, VN, Cold War or right now, USSVI is the place to do it.


If you want to find shipmates, plan or attend a boat reunion, eat, drink, or just share a common bond that never goes away, USSVI is the place.


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This is where everyone understands what you do or did, and you understand them. This is common ground. Only Submarine Sailors need apply for regular membership. However, we also include provisions for Ladies Auxiliary and Associate memberships.


Some things we do:


Provide a Scholarship Fund for Children and Grandchildren of Submariners.

Establish & support memorials to those who gave their lives in Submarines.

Hold memorial services on Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and similar occasions.

March in parades, hold parties, picnics, and other events for Submariners.

We also have a national print magazine, The AMERICAN SUBMARINER. It has news, sea stories, and articles of Submariner interest. Most USSVI Base's have a Newsletter (some in print, some on-line, some both) with local Submariner information, sea stories, and meeting information.


For more information, including how to find the SubVets Base nearest you, simply click on the link; http://www.ussvi.org/


Click here to connect with the web site for USSVI Groton Base, Groton CT, First & Finest!


Click here to connect with the web site for USSVI Marblehead Base, Marblehead, MA.



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